Monday 30 November 2009


This is a layout i have created in fireworks. i use the box tool to draw boxes on a plain document and that designed and layed out where i thought would be a good place for each essential item needed on a front cover.
This first example is a popular layout where there is a lot going on. This is to enage the auidence. Magainzes such as Kerrang and NME use this sort of layout.

Magazine background colour

Through planning it is essential to look at different background colours. I have looked at a range of different colours to help me to decide which colour would suit a rock magazine best. This also helps me to visualize what my magazine front cover could possibly look like.
These are some magazine backgrounds that i have created using fireworks, this will help to pick what colours i will use for the fonts and pictures.

Different Fonts

Colours of fonts

These are a few colours that i could use for the colour of the fonts on my magazine. I am doing a rock magazine so darker colours such as black, dark red or dark blue would be a good choice.

Friday 27 November 2009


I have decided to look at this particular magazine. This is because the fonts used are eye catching and help to engage the auidence. In addition, there is a range of fonts used so it isnt plain and basic which is what is expected of a higher class magazine. Furthermore, the fonts range is size starting with a large bold title, and smaller fonts size for the sub headings.
However, i think for a music magazine these fonts won't be as a effective as some others which i have seen before. This is because it is plain and simple which is guided with a plain background on the front cover, with a music magazine it is usually more full with more pictures and writing on the front, which suggests i should look at fonts from popular music magazines.

This is an example of a well known music magazine, NME. As you can see this magazine using a wider range of fonts and a range of sizes. I think this use of writing is more effective whilst creating a music magazine because it helps to engage the reader and retain them. However, both magazines so far have used big bold titles to attract the attention of the auidence which seems common which means i will use a big bold title for my magazine. Also, the fonts used in the this magazine use an outline around it to make it stand out. This also creates an angry effective to the auidence which links in the picture, So whilst creating my magainze i will have to take into account the images i used to contrast with the fonts and fonts size that i use. However, this magazine has been professionally created which suggests this sort of layout and structure of the text might be too hard to compare to.

This is another example of a popular music magazine. I have chosen this magazine because there is a wide range of fonts used. For example, the title is in big bold writing which instantly stands out to the auidence. Furthermore, it has been computer edited to make it look like a broken glass effect which shows the music is to loud the glass has broken which shows to the auidence there is a relevence to music. I think for my magazine i should take into consideration these techniques because as you can see they are used in most of the main music magazines today. In addition, there is a large subtitle which also interest the reader and grabs there attention. i think for fonts i will include a large title and a large subtitle which will attract the attention of the reader and guide them into looking further into the magazine.


Over the past few weeks i have been researching a range of magazines and how they present fonts layout and structure. This information will now help me to plan my own magazine. I am going to look at different magazines to see which font and layout i think works well and will be effective to capture the eye of the auidence. I will also have to decide what colour scheme to use and how to present that to get the best result possible.