Friday 9 October 2009

Double page spread

This is radar magazine. From looking at this magazine double page spread i can automatically see the bold heading on the page and the main picture which has being presented on the left hand side of the page. First of all, the colours of text and boxes around the text are effective because it grabs the attention of the reader and engages them into looking further into the articles displayed on the page. In addition, the use of bold heading helps to engage the reader, the articles entice the reader and the pictures and layout retain the audience. The image is a medium long shot of 3 men looking very relaxed which gives off an informal view of the picture, it says to the audience through there body language what they are thinking. Also, there is small articles on the far right hand side of bands or famous artists that are popular in the media. On these articles it expresses the latest stories about the artists or band presented, also, each article is presented next to a picture associated to the article.
Next i would like to talk about the fonts used in this double page spread. The fonts used are consistent throughout the articles which is a positive point for radar magazine, as it shows the reader that this is a professional magazine and has being created by high standard editors.
I have also noticed that the left hand side of the page uses a white background and on the right it uses a black background which is contrasting and makes the pages stand out more.
On the images it shows information about the photo such as inside information which radar express is exclusive to there magazine to make it more secret and personal to yourself.
In conclusion, i think this magazine double page spread is effective and works well capturing the eye of the auidence. The images help to entice and retain the auidence and the fonts used are consistent and flow well without the pages. The structure and layout is basic but effective and helps the reader to understand the articles and information displayed.

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