Monday 19 October 2009

Prelim Front Cover

This is my school magazine prelim. I have created this using macromedia fireworks to edit layout texts and pictures.
I took my own pictures and edited them in fireworks and used the "arrange" tool to place the picture where i wanted and how i wanted them. In addition, i downloaded fonts from dafont website and used them to create titles and subtitles to engage the attention of the reader. I have also used the fade tool on the main picture to accentuate his face and to make the auidence pay more attention towards it. Furthmore, i took pictures of the schools facilites and placed them in a camera strip to make it look professional. In addition, i used a plain sky blue canvas because it is bright and i hope to catch the attention of the auidence. The layout i have used is simple and easy to create, however, using effects in fireworks it makes it look more complex which will help the retain and entice my auidence. I also included a bar code which i found on google to help make my magazine look more professional like it could be on a self in a shop.
In conclusion, i think my prelim is simple but effective. Also, the use of effects in fireworks help to attract the attention of the auidence. I think this prelim could be improved by adding more in the background and taking more time into making a more complex layout and structure format.

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