Friday 2 October 2009

magazine contents page 2

The contents listing is simply and easy to understand which makes it easy for the reader to access the contents page and comes to a quick conclusion which page they are after and how to get there. As you can see the creator of this magazine has made the listings simple and understandable by portraying different presentational devices which makes the writing stand out. Also, the subtitles are in bold writing which makes the writing stand out to the viewer, it is also in a contrasting colour to the rest of the magazine so it doesn't look out of place. I also looked at the front page of this magazine, linking back to this the style of font and colour of writing is consistent which is effective. This is because it gives the reader the impression of that magazine house style so they know what to look for next time they buy this magazine. The white background on the left hand side compared to the coloured side on the right hand makes it stand out, this a type of presentational device which helps to engage the reader.
Over more, the images used in this contents page and the layout and structure of the page help to persuade the auidence that this is the magazine they are after. I can make this assumption because straight away from looking at this contents page my attention draws straight to the main picture of the courteeners. In addition, i can see from this image that they are wearing modern clothing which shows that this magazine is modern and up to date with the times of music. Also, this picture is a long shot because it shows all the body of each person within the picture. I think this is effective because you can see the band more at a long shot more than a close up; it doesnt take up as much room either.
In conclusion, i think this magazine contents page is good. The layout and structure has being created to engage the reader which in my opinion works. Lastly the pictures of consistent House style make the magazine easy to regonise that this is Q magazine.

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