Monday 28 September 2009

Magazine Analysis

Kerrang magazine contents page

This is the contents page of Kerrang magazine. Initally this contents page seems dull and full of writing, but the use of images and bold writing attract the reader's attention and makes you want to read on. This page is easyly recognised as the contents page because of the large bold writing on the top right hand corner. This is useful because it gives the reader the impression that this is contents page. Furthmore, the pictures and cameos used are effective by catching the reader's attention because they are of famous celebrities who are popular in the media. Over more, i would like to express that this magazine contents page has alot of writing on it which gives a bad impression on the reader. Also, i have noticed that other kerrang magazine issues are shown to give the reader an insight of what next's week magazine is about. This is good because the reader is already being told about another issue of this magazine just at the contents page. In conclusion, i think this magazine cover is dull but at the same time the pictures and style of writing and structure engages the reader and makes you want to read on.

Kerrang Magazine House Style

Thursday 24 September 2009

Front Cover 4

The fourth magazine cover i am going to analyse is Scratch magazine. My initial impression of this magazine is that it is a rap and hip hop magazine. I can make this assumption because the clothes the artist is wearing in the picture the house style of the magazine and also the name of the magazine. Firstly, the first thing i notice is the big bold title which instantly grabs the attention of the auidence. This is good because it makes the auidence look at the magazine and take more interest which results in a better chance of selling.
In addition, the main picture is attractive and is an artist name "lil Wayne." I didn't know who the picture of the front the magazine was, but because of the layout of the magazine it is easy to come to the conclusion that it is Lil Wayne. This is because under the picture using the layer tool Lil Wayne is placed over the picture of him in big bold white writing, this is contrasting because he is wearing mainly black clothes and the background is black.

Front Cover 3

For my third magazine analysis i have decided to use Q magazine. This magazine focuses on the charts are who is popular within the music industry. The title of the magazine is also a logo and is a different colour to the rest of the magazine which makes it stand out and engages the readers attention. In addition, the main picture overlaps the logo of the magazine which is done by computer editing to give it a better look. The main picture of this magazine is lily allen. Within this picture there is a slogan saying "sexy beast, Lily Allen" this links with the picture there is lily allen and then two beasts. This stands out to the auidence and makes you want to read on because Lily Allen is a popular icon within the music industry. Furthemore, there is writing on the top right hand side which shows small eye catching information about bands or artists that are featured within the magazine. For example "Oasis."

Over more, another thing that attracts my attention on the magazine is the small circle on the right hand side of the magazine which shows 25 greatest rock movies, which will attract a large auidence into buying the magazine. In addition, the background of this magazine is plain so there isn't much to concentrate on which is effective and draws attention to the main points. Furthermore, because the background is plain the blur and smudge effect on the pictures works well and becomes eye catching to potential buyers. My opinion on this magazine is good because it is less complex than the other magazine i have analysed, however, the colours are dull and may not attract customers as much as like the "kerrang" music i analysed. In conclusion, the picture and the subtitles work well and are effective in getting the readers attention, however i think the magazine cover itself is quite plain compared to other music magazines on the market.

Monday 21 September 2009

Front Cover 2

For my second for cover analysis i have decided to look at Vibe magazine. This is a different magazine and has been desinged to attract a different target auidence than the Kerrang magazine. From a glance at this magazine i can instantly notice the picture centred in the middle which immediatly attracts the attention of the reader. Furthmore, this picture is a facial close-up and has being edited to express his emotions. For example, there is a glow coming from around him and the lighting on the face has being edited to make him look sad.
Next, the main heading to large and bright which engages the reader, this is helped by the picture as it overlaps the main heading. Furthermore, if i didnt know that the main picture was Kanye West, it isnt hard to work out from the text display that it is. I can come to this conclusion because next to Kanye West there is big bold writing saying "Kanye West" in a bright pink colour. This also shows the reader that Kanye West is mainly featured within the magazine.
I have also notcied other artists names such as "Britney spears" are showing on the right hand side of the magazine giving the reader an insight of what celebrities are featured within this magazine. Over more, at the top of the magazine,there is a small caption stating that this particular magazine has new imformation of a new film. This automatically makes the reader want to read that article if they have an interest in films or rap artists.
In conclusion, i like this cover to this magazine because the picture is eye catching and effective because the blank background focuses the magazine to Kanye West's face. In addition, the bright text colours are useful and stand out which makes them easy to read. Lastly, this title is in a big and bold font which stands out and makes this magazine easily noticeable.

Friday 18 September 2009

Front cover

This is the first magazine i have decided to make an analysis on. My initial thoughts are that this magazine stands out to the crowd and creates a powerful image through the use of colours and pictures. The first thing I noticed that this magazine uses visual hierarchy; this is presented through the guitar and the main title, which immediately engages the readers attention. Furthermore, i have noticed that the main picture and title are edited with layers. The picture has being placed over the main title. Also, I have noticed that the main title kerrang, looks like the music is so loud that the title has being smashed which is presented through a broken glass effect. Over more, on the left hand side and at the bottom there are cameos which give the reader an insight of what popular bands or artists are featured within the magazine; all facial close ups. In addition, the background to the main picture has being faded which automatically makes the reader take more interest in the picture. I have also noticed the colour contrast between the main pictures clothes colour and the cameos boarder which blends well. However, I have noticed that the price on this magazine has not being accentuated which gives me the impression that it could be expensive or very popular in which regular readers don't need to know the price. My thoughts on this magazine cover are good, I like the bold text and the computer editing which really attracts the attention of the reader.

Wednesday 16 September 2009


Hello, welcome to my blog. Throughout this blog i will be tackling the arts of media, by assessing magazines. The parts of magazines i will be looking at is front covers, contents page and articles within the magazine. Furthermore, during this blog i will give detail about all the magazines i have looked at and how my thoughts and opinions change throughout this project.