Monday 28 September 2009

Kerrang magazine contents page

This is the contents page of Kerrang magazine. Initally this contents page seems dull and full of writing, but the use of images and bold writing attract the reader's attention and makes you want to read on. This page is easyly recognised as the contents page because of the large bold writing on the top right hand corner. This is useful because it gives the reader the impression that this is contents page. Furthmore, the pictures and cameos used are effective by catching the reader's attention because they are of famous celebrities who are popular in the media. Over more, i would like to express that this magazine contents page has alot of writing on it which gives a bad impression on the reader. Also, i have noticed that other kerrang magazine issues are shown to give the reader an insight of what next's week magazine is about. This is good because the reader is already being told about another issue of this magazine just at the contents page. In conclusion, i think this magazine cover is dull but at the same time the pictures and style of writing and structure engages the reader and makes you want to read on.

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