Monday 21 September 2009

Front Cover 2

For my second for cover analysis i have decided to look at Vibe magazine. This is a different magazine and has been desinged to attract a different target auidence than the Kerrang magazine. From a glance at this magazine i can instantly notice the picture centred in the middle which immediatly attracts the attention of the reader. Furthmore, this picture is a facial close-up and has being edited to express his emotions. For example, there is a glow coming from around him and the lighting on the face has being edited to make him look sad.
Next, the main heading to large and bright which engages the reader, this is helped by the picture as it overlaps the main heading. Furthermore, if i didnt know that the main picture was Kanye West, it isnt hard to work out from the text display that it is. I can come to this conclusion because next to Kanye West there is big bold writing saying "Kanye West" in a bright pink colour. This also shows the reader that Kanye West is mainly featured within the magazine.
I have also notcied other artists names such as "Britney spears" are showing on the right hand side of the magazine giving the reader an insight of what celebrities are featured within this magazine. Over more, at the top of the magazine,there is a small caption stating that this particular magazine has new imformation of a new film. This automatically makes the reader want to read that article if they have an interest in films or rap artists.
In conclusion, i like this cover to this magazine because the picture is eye catching and effective because the blank background focuses the magazine to Kanye West's face. In addition, the bright text colours are useful and stand out which makes them easy to read. Lastly, this title is in a big and bold font which stands out and makes this magazine easily noticeable.

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