Friday 18 September 2009

Front cover

This is the first magazine i have decided to make an analysis on. My initial thoughts are that this magazine stands out to the crowd and creates a powerful image through the use of colours and pictures. The first thing I noticed that this magazine uses visual hierarchy; this is presented through the guitar and the main title, which immediately engages the readers attention. Furthermore, i have noticed that the main picture and title are edited with layers. The picture has being placed over the main title. Also, I have noticed that the main title kerrang, looks like the music is so loud that the title has being smashed which is presented through a broken glass effect. Over more, on the left hand side and at the bottom there are cameos which give the reader an insight of what popular bands or artists are featured within the magazine; all facial close ups. In addition, the background to the main picture has being faded which automatically makes the reader take more interest in the picture. I have also noticed the colour contrast between the main pictures clothes colour and the cameos boarder which blends well. However, I have noticed that the price on this magazine has not being accentuated which gives me the impression that it could be expensive or very popular in which regular readers don't need to know the price. My thoughts on this magazine cover are good, I like the bold text and the computer editing which really attracts the attention of the reader.

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