Thursday 24 September 2009

Front Cover 4

The fourth magazine cover i am going to analyse is Scratch magazine. My initial impression of this magazine is that it is a rap and hip hop magazine. I can make this assumption because the clothes the artist is wearing in the picture the house style of the magazine and also the name of the magazine. Firstly, the first thing i notice is the big bold title which instantly grabs the attention of the auidence. This is good because it makes the auidence look at the magazine and take more interest which results in a better chance of selling.
In addition, the main picture is attractive and is an artist name "lil Wayne." I didn't know who the picture of the front the magazine was, but because of the layout of the magazine it is easy to come to the conclusion that it is Lil Wayne. This is because under the picture using the layer tool Lil Wayne is placed over the picture of him in big bold white writing, this is contrasting because he is wearing mainly black clothes and the background is black.

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