Thursday 24 September 2009

Front Cover 3

For my third magazine analysis i have decided to use Q magazine. This magazine focuses on the charts are who is popular within the music industry. The title of the magazine is also a logo and is a different colour to the rest of the magazine which makes it stand out and engages the readers attention. In addition, the main picture overlaps the logo of the magazine which is done by computer editing to give it a better look. The main picture of this magazine is lily allen. Within this picture there is a slogan saying "sexy beast, Lily Allen" this links with the picture there is lily allen and then two beasts. This stands out to the auidence and makes you want to read on because Lily Allen is a popular icon within the music industry. Furthemore, there is writing on the top right hand side which shows small eye catching information about bands or artists that are featured within the magazine. For example "Oasis."

Over more, another thing that attracts my attention on the magazine is the small circle on the right hand side of the magazine which shows 25 greatest rock movies, which will attract a large auidence into buying the magazine. In addition, the background of this magazine is plain so there isn't much to concentrate on which is effective and draws attention to the main points. Furthermore, because the background is plain the blur and smudge effect on the pictures works well and becomes eye catching to potential buyers. My opinion on this magazine is good because it is less complex than the other magazine i have analysed, however, the colours are dull and may not attract customers as much as like the "kerrang" music i analysed. In conclusion, the picture and the subtitles work well and are effective in getting the readers attention, however i think the magazine cover itself is quite plain compared to other music magazines on the market.

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