Monday 14 December 2009


This is my first mock up of contents page. I looked at popular magazines such as NME and kerrang, and looked at what pictures are used. I then found images of these bands and added them into my contents page. I have also included the title of the magazine and a numbered list on the left hand side.

Wednesday 9 December 2009

Moving picture and subtitle

I moved the picture down and made it smaller. Also i moved the subtitle underneath the main heading. I did this to make it more clear to the auidence which is the subtitle and which is the title. However, i think the previous design worked better than this one, so i will go back to that design.

Add Subtitle

I think the subtitle adds the missing piece towards this front cover. So i am now going to look at re-arranging it and seeing which works best for my front cover.

Monday 7 December 2009

mock up 2

This is my second mock up. This design is simple but is good for catching the attention of the audience. I think this faded image works well and plays a good role of making this magazine looking good. However, i think this magazine is missing a subtitle which i will look at putting on and updating.

Friday 4 December 2009

mock-up 1

This is the first mock up i have created i think that i will use a white background for future mock ups because it looks to dark and hard to understand.

Monday 30 November 2009


This is a layout i have created in fireworks. i use the box tool to draw boxes on a plain document and that designed and layed out where i thought would be a good place for each essential item needed on a front cover.
This first example is a popular layout where there is a lot going on. This is to enage the auidence. Magainzes such as Kerrang and NME use this sort of layout.

Magazine background colour

Through planning it is essential to look at different background colours. I have looked at a range of different colours to help me to decide which colour would suit a rock magazine best. This also helps me to visualize what my magazine front cover could possibly look like.
These are some magazine backgrounds that i have created using fireworks, this will help to pick what colours i will use for the fonts and pictures.

Different Fonts

Colours of fonts

These are a few colours that i could use for the colour of the fonts on my magazine. I am doing a rock magazine so darker colours such as black, dark red or dark blue would be a good choice.

Friday 27 November 2009


I have decided to look at this particular magazine. This is because the fonts used are eye catching and help to engage the auidence. In addition, there is a range of fonts used so it isnt plain and basic which is what is expected of a higher class magazine. Furthermore, the fonts range is size starting with a large bold title, and smaller fonts size for the sub headings.
However, i think for a music magazine these fonts won't be as a effective as some others which i have seen before. This is because it is plain and simple which is guided with a plain background on the front cover, with a music magazine it is usually more full with more pictures and writing on the front, which suggests i should look at fonts from popular music magazines.

This is an example of a well known music magazine, NME. As you can see this magazine using a wider range of fonts and a range of sizes. I think this use of writing is more effective whilst creating a music magazine because it helps to engage the reader and retain them. However, both magazines so far have used big bold titles to attract the attention of the auidence which seems common which means i will use a big bold title for my magazine. Also, the fonts used in the this magazine use an outline around it to make it stand out. This also creates an angry effective to the auidence which links in the picture, So whilst creating my magainze i will have to take into account the images i used to contrast with the fonts and fonts size that i use. However, this magazine has been professionally created which suggests this sort of layout and structure of the text might be too hard to compare to.

This is another example of a popular music magazine. I have chosen this magazine because there is a wide range of fonts used. For example, the title is in big bold writing which instantly stands out to the auidence. Furthermore, it has been computer edited to make it look like a broken glass effect which shows the music is to loud the glass has broken which shows to the auidence there is a relevence to music. I think for my magazine i should take into consideration these techniques because as you can see they are used in most of the main music magazines today. In addition, there is a large subtitle which also interest the reader and grabs there attention. i think for fonts i will include a large title and a large subtitle which will attract the attention of the reader and guide them into looking further into the magazine.


Over the past few weeks i have been researching a range of magazines and how they present fonts layout and structure. This information will now help me to plan my own magazine. I am going to look at different magazines to see which font and layout i think works well and will be effective to capture the eye of the auidence. I will also have to decide what colour scheme to use and how to present that to get the best result possible.

Monday 19 October 2009

Prelim Contents page

This is my contents page for my prelim. On this contents page i have included one main picture to keep the layout easy and simple. This is because it makes it easier for the reader to understand what articles or information are displayed on each page. In addition, i used fonts from dafont same as my front cover as a "House Style" option to help guide the viewer into understanding it is from the same magazine. Furthermore, i used the school slogan to further show that it is a school magazine. I helped to show this by taking a picture of a pupil wearing school uniform. Also, i used two different colours for the canvas to make it more interesting and help it to contrast and blend well. The use of fireworks helped me to edit the pictures and text to fit together to make it look professional. On the image i used the fade tool to make it look like he is blending into the background. Through my research i looked into the categories that other popular magazines use, from this i thought of categories that are associated with a school and tried to make them sound and look like they are from a popular magazine. In conclusion, the contents is easy to understand and uses a basic layout, however i think i could improve this contents page by making it look more professional and uses a wider range of fonts and pictures to capture the readers attention.

Prelim Front Cover

This is my school magazine prelim. I have created this using macromedia fireworks to edit layout texts and pictures.
I took my own pictures and edited them in fireworks and used the "arrange" tool to place the picture where i wanted and how i wanted them. In addition, i downloaded fonts from dafont website and used them to create titles and subtitles to engage the attention of the reader. I have also used the fade tool on the main picture to accentuate his face and to make the auidence pay more attention towards it. Furthmore, i took pictures of the schools facilites and placed them in a camera strip to make it look professional. In addition, i used a plain sky blue canvas because it is bright and i hope to catch the attention of the auidence. The layout i have used is simple and easy to create, however, using effects in fireworks it makes it look more complex which will help the retain and entice my auidence. I also included a bar code which i found on google to help make my magazine look more professional like it could be on a self in a shop.
In conclusion, i think my prelim is simple but effective. Also, the use of effects in fireworks help to attract the attention of the auidence. I think this prelim could be improved by adding more in the background and taking more time into making a more complex layout and structure format.

Friday 9 October 2009

Double page spread 3

This is a double page spread featuring the black eyed peas. My first thoughts of this double page spread are good. By just looking at it the images used engage me into the page and make me want to read the articles. This is very good because the designer of this magazine has created and edited this picture, which gives a good effect and helps to engage and entice the reader to look further.
In addition, the like the other magazine i have analyed there is a large image situated on the left hand side of the page and text on the right hand side. From looking at all the magazine double page spreads i can see this is a popular trend to have a larger picture to ratio of text. In my opinion this magazine double page spread uses this technique the best. This is because the colours used, the outfits the pupil in the images are wearing and the background and text colour all contrast and blend well together, making the magazine look very professional and carefully designed. In addition, the subtitles are catchy and give the reader a small insight of what the article is about, the subtitle that are used in this magazine are question. I think this is effective because it makes the reader think of the answer and makes them want to read to article to find out the answer. Furthermore, the text on the right hand side is a good size font and looks professional by how it is structured and presented. I think this because there is pieces of writing in bold, which means the reader could only scim read the text and the bold text instantly stands out to them, which is the key points within the article. Also, the small arrows on the top right hand side inbetween the images and the text make you focus your attention away from the image and more onto the text. This is good because most of the time the reader looks at the pictures rather than the text but this magazine points out to read the text like it holds important information reguarding the picutres.
To improve this magazine i would change the colour of the font on the bottom left hand side of the page, it is hard to read the black text because it has been placed over an image where the clothes the person is wearing is also a shade of black. In my opinion i would change the colour of the font to a blue so it contrasts with the background and also stands out on the black image.
In conclusion, i think this magazine double page spread is effective by engaging the reader and also retaining them enough to read the articles. Lastly, i like this magazine double page spread the best out of the three i have analysed, this is because the images stand out more, the layout and structure is good and also, the all the colours used blend together and contrast which makes it easy to understand.

Double page spread 2

This is kerrang magazine double page spread. This double page spread uses a large image situated on the right hand side of the page. It is a large image of the singer from a well known band called Avenged Sevenfold. There is also pictures of then band members around the outside of the main picture, these small pictures are called cameos and are used to attract the attention of the audience. As you can see all the pictures blend together because they all have contrasting colours so it looks like one big photo. On the left hand side of the page there is an article which is all about the band Avenged Sevenfold, i can come to this conclusion because i can see from the pictures and also, the subtitle in bold font which nearly shouts out to the audience the name of the band. Furthermore, i can see that the font used in the article is consistent which is usually expected from a well known professional magazine such as Kerrang. Above the article i can also notice some bold text which links to the article underneath and gives a sort description or an insight to the reader of what is included in the article underneath.
In conclusion, i think that this magazine double page spread is good but could be improved. I think that the images take up to much room and there isn't enough surrounding text to compete with the level of pictures. However, i think that the fonts used are consistent throughout the page and give enough description to keep the reader involved. Lastly, the use of image editing is effective because they all contrast and blend well together.

Double page spread

This is radar magazine. From looking at this magazine double page spread i can automatically see the bold heading on the page and the main picture which has being presented on the left hand side of the page. First of all, the colours of text and boxes around the text are effective because it grabs the attention of the reader and engages them into looking further into the articles displayed on the page. In addition, the use of bold heading helps to engage the reader, the articles entice the reader and the pictures and layout retain the audience. The image is a medium long shot of 3 men looking very relaxed which gives off an informal view of the picture, it says to the audience through there body language what they are thinking. Also, there is small articles on the far right hand side of bands or famous artists that are popular in the media. On these articles it expresses the latest stories about the artists or band presented, also, each article is presented next to a picture associated to the article.
Next i would like to talk about the fonts used in this double page spread. The fonts used are consistent throughout the articles which is a positive point for radar magazine, as it shows the reader that this is a professional magazine and has being created by high standard editors.
I have also noticed that the left hand side of the page uses a white background and on the right it uses a black background which is contrasting and makes the pages stand out more.
On the images it shows information about the photo such as inside information which radar express is exclusive to there magazine to make it more secret and personal to yourself.
In conclusion, i think this magazine double page spread is effective and works well capturing the eye of the auidence. The images help to entice and retain the auidence and the fonts used are consistent and flow well without the pages. The structure and layout is basic but effective and helps the reader to understand the articles and information displayed.

Friday 2 October 2009

Magazine contents page 3

This contents page is split into 2 main parts. The left part is a picture which is John Frusciante who is a popular guitarist out of the red hot chilli peppers, this is used to engage the reader and make them pay attention to the contents page. The other part on the right hand side is the listing of what is included within the contents page. In addition by just glancing at this magazine i instantly notice the title "Total Guitar." The line down the middle acts as a divider to seperate the more interesting part to the more unattractive contents listing. The picture of lead guitarist John Frusciante is a medium long shot and has been computer edited to make it look like there is a glow around him. This is helped by the plain background he is on to make him the main eye catching attraction on the page. Furthermore, when you look at this magazine magazine contents page the first thing you see is the subtitle "Watch&Learn, 5 red hot chilli peppers riffs." This is because the white text stands out from the picture which automatically draws your attention to it. In conclusion, i like this magazine contents the use of fonts and images used are blended well to create an effect which attracts the readers attention. Overall, my opinion of this magazine is all positive with little mistakes or errors, this is one of the magazine i will be looking at when i design my own.

magazine contents page 2

The contents listing is simply and easy to understand which makes it easy for the reader to access the contents page and comes to a quick conclusion which page they are after and how to get there. As you can see the creator of this magazine has made the listings simple and understandable by portraying different presentational devices which makes the writing stand out. Also, the subtitles are in bold writing which makes the writing stand out to the viewer, it is also in a contrasting colour to the rest of the magazine so it doesn't look out of place. I also looked at the front page of this magazine, linking back to this the style of font and colour of writing is consistent which is effective. This is because it gives the reader the impression of that magazine house style so they know what to look for next time they buy this magazine. The white background on the left hand side compared to the coloured side on the right hand makes it stand out, this a type of presentational device which helps to engage the reader.
Over more, the images used in this contents page and the layout and structure of the page help to persuade the auidence that this is the magazine they are after. I can make this assumption because straight away from looking at this contents page my attention draws straight to the main picture of the courteeners. In addition, i can see from this image that they are wearing modern clothing which shows that this magazine is modern and up to date with the times of music. Also, this picture is a long shot because it shows all the body of each person within the picture. I think this is effective because you can see the band more at a long shot more than a close up; it doesnt take up as much room either.
In conclusion, i think this magazine contents page is good. The layout and structure has being created to engage the reader which in my opinion works. Lastly the pictures of consistent House style make the magazine easy to regonise that this is Q magazine.

Monday 28 September 2009

Magazine Analysis

Kerrang magazine contents page

This is the contents page of Kerrang magazine. Initally this contents page seems dull and full of writing, but the use of images and bold writing attract the reader's attention and makes you want to read on. This page is easyly recognised as the contents page because of the large bold writing on the top right hand corner. This is useful because it gives the reader the impression that this is contents page. Furthmore, the pictures and cameos used are effective by catching the reader's attention because they are of famous celebrities who are popular in the media. Over more, i would like to express that this magazine contents page has alot of writing on it which gives a bad impression on the reader. Also, i have noticed that other kerrang magazine issues are shown to give the reader an insight of what next's week magazine is about. This is good because the reader is already being told about another issue of this magazine just at the contents page. In conclusion, i think this magazine cover is dull but at the same time the pictures and style of writing and structure engages the reader and makes you want to read on.

Kerrang Magazine House Style

Thursday 24 September 2009

Front Cover 4

The fourth magazine cover i am going to analyse is Scratch magazine. My initial impression of this magazine is that it is a rap and hip hop magazine. I can make this assumption because the clothes the artist is wearing in the picture the house style of the magazine and also the name of the magazine. Firstly, the first thing i notice is the big bold title which instantly grabs the attention of the auidence. This is good because it makes the auidence look at the magazine and take more interest which results in a better chance of selling.
In addition, the main picture is attractive and is an artist name "lil Wayne." I didn't know who the picture of the front the magazine was, but because of the layout of the magazine it is easy to come to the conclusion that it is Lil Wayne. This is because under the picture using the layer tool Lil Wayne is placed over the picture of him in big bold white writing, this is contrasting because he is wearing mainly black clothes and the background is black.

Front Cover 3

For my third magazine analysis i have decided to use Q magazine. This magazine focuses on the charts are who is popular within the music industry. The title of the magazine is also a logo and is a different colour to the rest of the magazine which makes it stand out and engages the readers attention. In addition, the main picture overlaps the logo of the magazine which is done by computer editing to give it a better look. The main picture of this magazine is lily allen. Within this picture there is a slogan saying "sexy beast, Lily Allen" this links with the picture there is lily allen and then two beasts. This stands out to the auidence and makes you want to read on because Lily Allen is a popular icon within the music industry. Furthemore, there is writing on the top right hand side which shows small eye catching information about bands or artists that are featured within the magazine. For example "Oasis."

Over more, another thing that attracts my attention on the magazine is the small circle on the right hand side of the magazine which shows 25 greatest rock movies, which will attract a large auidence into buying the magazine. In addition, the background of this magazine is plain so there isn't much to concentrate on which is effective and draws attention to the main points. Furthermore, because the background is plain the blur and smudge effect on the pictures works well and becomes eye catching to potential buyers. My opinion on this magazine is good because it is less complex than the other magazine i have analysed, however, the colours are dull and may not attract customers as much as like the "kerrang" music i analysed. In conclusion, the picture and the subtitles work well and are effective in getting the readers attention, however i think the magazine cover itself is quite plain compared to other music magazines on the market.

Monday 21 September 2009

Front Cover 2

For my second for cover analysis i have decided to look at Vibe magazine. This is a different magazine and has been desinged to attract a different target auidence than the Kerrang magazine. From a glance at this magazine i can instantly notice the picture centred in the middle which immediatly attracts the attention of the reader. Furthmore, this picture is a facial close-up and has being edited to express his emotions. For example, there is a glow coming from around him and the lighting on the face has being edited to make him look sad.
Next, the main heading to large and bright which engages the reader, this is helped by the picture as it overlaps the main heading. Furthermore, if i didnt know that the main picture was Kanye West, it isnt hard to work out from the text display that it is. I can come to this conclusion because next to Kanye West there is big bold writing saying "Kanye West" in a bright pink colour. This also shows the reader that Kanye West is mainly featured within the magazine.
I have also notcied other artists names such as "Britney spears" are showing on the right hand side of the magazine giving the reader an insight of what celebrities are featured within this magazine. Over more, at the top of the magazine,there is a small caption stating that this particular magazine has new imformation of a new film. This automatically makes the reader want to read that article if they have an interest in films or rap artists.
In conclusion, i like this cover to this magazine because the picture is eye catching and effective because the blank background focuses the magazine to Kanye West's face. In addition, the bright text colours are useful and stand out which makes them easy to read. Lastly, this title is in a big and bold font which stands out and makes this magazine easily noticeable.

Friday 18 September 2009

Front cover

This is the first magazine i have decided to make an analysis on. My initial thoughts are that this magazine stands out to the crowd and creates a powerful image through the use of colours and pictures. The first thing I noticed that this magazine uses visual hierarchy; this is presented through the guitar and the main title, which immediately engages the readers attention. Furthermore, i have noticed that the main picture and title are edited with layers. The picture has being placed over the main title. Also, I have noticed that the main title kerrang, looks like the music is so loud that the title has being smashed which is presented through a broken glass effect. Over more, on the left hand side and at the bottom there are cameos which give the reader an insight of what popular bands or artists are featured within the magazine; all facial close ups. In addition, the background to the main picture has being faded which automatically makes the reader take more interest in the picture. I have also noticed the colour contrast between the main pictures clothes colour and the cameos boarder which blends well. However, I have noticed that the price on this magazine has not being accentuated which gives me the impression that it could be expensive or very popular in which regular readers don't need to know the price. My thoughts on this magazine cover are good, I like the bold text and the computer editing which really attracts the attention of the reader.

Wednesday 16 September 2009


Hello, welcome to my blog. Throughout this blog i will be tackling the arts of media, by assessing magazines. The parts of magazines i will be looking at is front covers, contents page and articles within the magazine. Furthermore, during this blog i will give detail about all the magazines i have looked at and how my thoughts and opinions change throughout this project.